Bright Autism Center Logo

Tele: +251 916 86 31 89 / + 251 945957260

Fostering Care for Autistic Children and Awarenes Creation

Bright Autism Center Hawassa is in its early stage as autism intervention center. It began service delivery for autistic children and thier families in Hawassa , awareness creation and formulating its lingterm strategies with volunteers and stake holders. The center is also making great effort to work in intimacy with concerned government bodies.


Ongoing Activities

Institutional Care

In 2009 academic year there were 16 students who were getting institutional care in our center where they were getting basic life skill trainings at the center. In this academic year , ther center ad accepted 4 more children from waiting list and now the number of autisitc students getting service from the center is 20.


Awareness Creation

The number of autistic children and families seeking support from Bright Autistic center is rising from time to time. This is attributed to awareness creation activities and informaiton dissemination activities. We oserved big gap in understanding autism and autistic children special needs.



It means a lot to get support as a familiy of autistic child. To address more children and fammilies, the center is looking for more volunteers, donors, material and financial supports. Currenly, the center is operating from contribution of parents, volunteers and other contributer. Its in high need of material, professional and financial needs.