Bright Autism Center was established by a other of autistic child in 2016. The main objective was to help autistic children to cope up with the daily challenges autistic children and their familiies.
It it the only autistic center in Southern Nations and Nationalities Regional State with more than twenty million population and the fourth in the over all country , Ethiopia. Currently there are twenty autistic children who are getting in stitutional care and others getting home based care. Due to the limittedness of resources and finance, the center cannot reach mor autistic children. In addion to institutional care and home visit, it is doing awareness creation activities to that people can understand the situation and give more care to autisitc children and support for thier families.
As a home for alike friends , passionate and caring Bright family
At Bright Autism Center Hawassa, all the staff and volunteers are there to care with all their heart.
We are there for autistic children due to generous gifts and supports from different volunteers and other donors. You are th source of our courage.
Manager and Founder